Day 1 [30 Days of Reinvention]

I started my reinvention today! I feel excited and slightly scared: excited to be doing this, esp. with others, scared because I’m already feeling confronted lol. I read through all of the prep material and the Day 1 prompt, and here are my thoughts…
Regarding what to reinvent, I’m going to focus on money. How I make it, how much is enough, how to allow it to flow easily – basically, shifting my mindset about money, and clearing out the old gunk so something new can emerge.
The truth I need to tell myself is that I’m feeling scared and confronted because this is a big topic for me – even more so since I just moved (which was expensive). I don’t know what a reinvention might look like… I’m so used to the way it has been, but am ready for a change and I’m willing to be present with this. The excitement comes from finding out where this leads me… maybe a whole new place I can’t even imagine right now?!?
Let’s do the course together this month & see what reinvention awaits us! You can access the free course here.
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