From Surviving to Thriving in Your Business [+Video]

If you’re like many of the self-employed people I’ve talked with over the past year, 2020 came with plenty of challenges that sent you scrambling and doing your best to hang on. Survival became the order of the day, and making it through another day, week, or month felt like a victory (and rightfully so).…

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Oh, What the Hell

In dieting, there’s an effect that scientists have nick-named the What the Hell effect. This effect is what happens when you’re on a good roll with your food and drinks, then something crazy happens: A piece of cake falls into your mouth! You drink a milkshake! You eat a piece of cheese! In other words, you veer…

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Reinventing Yourself & Your Business in 2021 [+Video]

As you look back at 2020, chances are you noticed a few things about yourself and your business – some things you like, some things you may have thought, “Hmm, that could use an upgrade.” Or maybe you went all out and thought, “You know what? It’s time for an overhaul ~ I’m ready for a Reinvention.”…

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Overcoming the Fear of What Stops You [+Video]

Last year was quite a year, and it’s left me with the question of what holds me back – beyond a pandemic, of course. As a long-time business owner, there are plenty of things I could list: negative self-talk, faulty assumptions, out-of-date self-image… Yet through it all, I know there’s a way to overcome what’s been holding me back,…

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It’s a New Dawn, It’s a New Day, and I’m Feeling Good

As you begin this new year, remember the immortal words of Nina Simone, and let her be your guide. This really can be a good year, and you really can reinvent those aspects of yourself and your business that you’d like to. For now, let her words sink in, and the music get you moving…

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The Shove that was 2020

Let’s face it – 2020 wasn’t the year any of us thought it would be. As a business owner, you know the importance of staying nimble, being flexible, and keeping your eyes open for opportunities, and it seems 2020 has put those qualities to the test. I was talking with a colleague about this and…

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Reinventing Success

How successful do you feel in your business?   Chances are, you’re accustomed to working from a definition of success that’s pretty straight forward. Or perhaps you haven’t spelled out what success in your business means, and you’ve been floating happily along. Either way, my hunch is that the pandemic has altered how you’re looking…

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Musings on Working from the Road

This past month, I’ve been traveling. Gallivanting around. Taking the show on the road. It’s been a trip, both literally and figuratively.   When I started my coaching business all those years ago, I had a notion that I didn’t want to be tied to a desk, or a 9-5 schedule, and so I played…

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