2 Keys to Being Satisfied in Work & Life

2 Keys to Being Satisfied in Work & Life

Do you know what you need, truly, bottom-line, to be satisfied in work and life?


Maybe you’ve let life unfold, taking whatever comes. That’s a pretty good way to live, especially if what’s been coming are things you like; not so much with the things you don’t.


You have power over what’s in your life. It’s the difference between eating at a buffet that’s right in front of you, and choosing what you’d like to eat and driving across town to go there. The buffet may have some good choices, yet if you have something specific you want, you’ll need to be more decisive about pursuing it.


Being satisfied in life and business comes from being clear and intentional. Clear about what you want, intentional about creating it.


Be Clear

Staring at the blank page of your life and work may be daunting. How do you want to fill it, what do you want to fill it with? If asking the question, “What do I want,” feels too big to answer, start small.


What happened this week/month /year that stood out? Jot down the things you enjoyed most, and remember this list is entirely yours, and nothing is too big or small to be included. These are the raw ingredients for your ideal list.

…getting a treat from the ice cream truck… having dinner with a friend… playing with your dog… playing the piano… traveling to another state or country… watching an incredible movie… feeling good in your clean house… having unobligated free time… having a great client meeting… meeting/being a mentor… attending a meeting as part of a professional community… delivering an inspiring speech… having dedicated writing time…


Look at the amazing list you’ve made, and read it over to pull out those things that seem most important. Ask yourself if this activity, or something related to it, feels like something that’s vital to your well-being, and if so, place it on a new list.


My list looks like this:

  • Listening to music
  • Having alone time
  • Staying in touch with friends and family, those I love
  • Reading for work and pleasure (listening to books and podcasts, too)
  • Spending time writing
  • Hanging out with my dog and cat
  • Working with clients, acting as a catalyst and thought partner
  • Having open, unstructured time
  • Sitting on my deck watching the sunset
  • Being creative
  • Inspiring people to be their best self

What does your list of ideal ingredients look like? It’s OK if it’s still forming, just jot down what’s emerging.

Be Intentional

Now that you’ve got your list of ideal ingredients started, it’s time to be intentional about making sure these things are a regular part of your day. If you love ice cream, can you learn the neighborhood ice cream truck’s schedule, or stock the freezer with your favorite kind? If jogging is on your list, how can you make it a natural part of your week?

Being intentional about how you spend your time, and making sure that time is spent on something that’s important to you, feeds your soul. It gives you the fuel to keep going, to be your best self, and create a life worth living and work worth doing.

What can you do today to bring something from your list of ideal ingredients into your regular routine?


Living into Your Ideal Ingredients

Choosing to live a curated life, full of your ideal ingredients, takes courage. Yet life and business are fuller, richer, and more rewarding when you do. Consciously choose what you want, and give yourself permission to go for it – you’ll enjoy the sense of ease and satisfaction that result from your efforts!

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