10 Ways to Know You’re a Highly Sensitive Person
1. When you read the story about the Princess and the Pea, you thought the story was written about you. 2. You like the romantic ideal of going on the Ferris wheel, but thinking about that much spinning makes you woozy. 3. In fact, the thought of all the lights, lines and movement…
Read MoreRain & Rework
Monday, Dec 3rd a message from =KRISTINE CAREY ~ CATALYST= It rained here non-stop for 3 days and today everything feels soggy, including my brain. The rain did help me do some reading, and you can see my review of the new book Rework below. I’m curious – does the rain make your brain soggy, too,…
Read MoreWhat happens when you’re successful?
Tuesday Jul 17th a message from =KRISTINE CAREY ~ CATALYST= It’s a cold summer here in San Francisco – I started my day off wearing a down vest! This weather puts me in the mood hunker down to focus more on my business, which leads me to today’s topic: what happens to your relationships when you’re…
Read MoreLoving your work and your life
Tuesday, Feb 14th a message from =KRISTINE CAREY ~ CATALYST= Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope today finds you in love with your work and your life; I’ll share a few thoughts on that below. In the meantime, hug someone, give your dog some scratchies behind the ears, and have yourself and amazing day – I sincerely…
Read MoreIt’s Going To Be OK
Friday, Mar 23rd a message from =KRISTINE CAREY ~ CATALYST= Happy Friday! It’s been a full couple of weeks here: I’ve attended 3 – 2 to 3 day workshops, hatched a new idea for a product I think you’ll like (stay tuned) and had some great times with friends and colleagues. All of this has been…
Read MoreLessons from Nick Lowe
Thanks, Nick Recently I listened to an interview on Fresh Air with Nick Lowe. He was talking about success, fame, being human and becoming fully himself. He mentioned that when he had his biggest fame he wasn’t fully in touch with himself – he had a great time, but found it tiring to be…
Read MoreIf you find yourself stuck today, here’s how to get unstuck
Greetings! Hi ~ Summer has arrived in San Francisco and I am enjoying a clear, sunny and warm day – it feels like heaven! Having the space and freedom that great weather brings fills my mind with possiblities. It also reminds me how often my mind closes down to possiblities and gets tripped up…
Read MoreMind Mapping as a Business Tool
Mind mapping is a great way to sort out your thoughts, coax out the hidden ideas in your mind, and gain perspective on things you’re working through or brainstorming about. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time and space; you don’t want to feel hemmed in when you’re trying to think expansively! 1. Get…
Read MoreDo you need to tie yourself to the Mast?
Greetings! Hi ~ Today is an out-of-control, gorgeous day here in San Francisco, the kind we only get a few times a year. And although I’ve been working away, I took a few minutes to go out with my dog Mancha and enjoy playing outside. The office doors have been wide open,…
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