10 Questions to Kick Off Your Marketing Year
What dreams and goals do you have for your business at the beginning of this new year? As you ease into January, take time to set the stage for a great year to come: great marketing, great sales, and great clients. Ask yourself the questions below to help you reflect and plan, and get ready…
Read More10 Inspirational Tips for Your Business This Year
As the year begins, it’s easy to get caught up in the hubbub of developing better business habits, being more proactive, earning more money, being more profitable… the list goes on with well-meaning ideas about how to make you, and your business, better. These well-meaning articles can induce a state of FOMO–Fear of Missing Out–that…
Read MoreOh, What the Hell
In dieting, there’s an effect that scientists have nick-named the What the Hell effect. This effect is what happens when you’re on a good roll with your food and drinks, then something crazy happens: A piece of cake falls into your mouth! You drink a milkshake! You eat a piece of cheese! In other words, you veer…
Read MoreThe Shove that was 2020
Let’s face it – 2020 wasn’t the year any of us thought it would be. As a business owner, you know the importance of staying nimble, being flexible, and keeping your eyes open for opportunities, and it seems 2020 has put those qualities to the test. I was talking with a colleague about this and…
Read MoreWhat’s Possible?
From this place right now, as you look out at the next hour, week, or lifetime – what’s possible? I mean, really possible? Imagine allowing yourself to dream, to go into the places you’ve been too shy to admit, or scared to try, or hesitant to even think about. …could I really work for myself?…
Read MoreA Few Things I Know About You
I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you are 100% capable of reinventing your life. No matter where you find yourself, or what’s going on, change is available and possible. I know that you don’t have to know how, or when, or even what – all that matters is that you have a…
Read MoreWhen Things Fall Apart
Sometimes it’s hard to have perspective when things around you feel like they’re falling apart. Your best laid plans for work and life seem to be slowly unraveling, and your world feels topsy-turvy. What to do? Breathe. Breathe because your body needs oxygen. Breathe because you need the lightness that air brings. Breathe because it’s…
Read MoreCatching Up to Who You Are
There’s a strange thing that happens as you get older. Your mind has a way of clinging to the past, a vision of yourself that’s out of date. A collage forms in the back of your mind: you in junior high, you when you got your first job, you when you got married, you climbing…
Read MoreEinstein Inspiration for Your Biz
“When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.” Albert Einstein What would happen if you spent some time fantasizing? You know: gathering some wool, daydreaming, staring into space. I wonder if it…
Read MoreLove the One You’re With (Follow Your Passion?)
Recently I was talking with a client about the idea of following your passion. This conversation stemmed from a TED Radio Hour podcast I listened to about success, which featured, among others, motivational guru Tony Robbins and Mike Rowe (host of the TV show Dirty Jobs). Paraphrasing, Tony Robbins advocated finding your “bliss” job…
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