Ideal Ingredients for Work & Life
How to Write Your Ideal Permission List for Life
It’s easy to get caught up in all the go-go-go of life, especially when you work for yourself and have a life outside of work. Summer brings an opportunity to slow down, spread your blanket out on the grass, and watch the world go by. Except you said you’d… …drop the kids off…
Read MoreIdentifying Our Ideal Ingredients for Work & Life
As we ease into the lazy days of summer, my mind is turning to what really needs to be present in our lives for us to feel satisfied. Identifying the ideal ingredients for work and life isn’t something you may think about often, yet the impact on your productivity, the flow of your days,…
Read MoreHow Your Ideal Work Ingredients Bring Fulfillment [+ Video]
How much thought have you given to what needs to be present in your business and work life for you to feel satisfied and fulfilled? These ideal ingredients don’t need to be complicated: steady cash flow, the right kind of work, the right kind of clients, a nice rhythm to how you work. These simple…
Read More2 Keys to Being Satisfied in Work & Life
Do you know what you need, truly, bottom-line, to be satisfied in work and life? Maybe you’ve let life unfold, taking whatever comes. That’s a pretty good way to live, especially if what’s been coming are things you like; not so much with the things you don’t. You have power over what’s in…
Read MoreReinventing Your Ideal Ingredients for Life [video]
Did you know you can consciously create your ideal life? You can. Think of life as a bucket into which you can put all the things you love. And if you find your bucket feeling emptier than you’d like, you have the power to do something about that… watch this video for ideas on how to get…
Read MoreReinventing Your Ideal Work Ingredients [video]
Working for yourself is not for the faint of heart – believe me, I know! But it’s made me a better human. It’s not just about clients and money – it’s also about taking inventory of who and what you like to do, what energizes you, and how to create work that fits these ideals.…
Read MoreReinventing Yourself & Your Business in 2021 [+Video]
As you look back at 2020, chances are you noticed a few things about yourself and your business – some things you like, some things you may have thought, “Hmm, that could use an upgrade.” Or maybe you went all out and thought, “You know what? It’s time for an overhaul ~ I’m ready for a Reinvention.”…
Read MoreWhat’s the one thing you can do for your business that will make the biggest difference? [+Video]
Being self-employed, you’ve no doubt wondered what you could do for your business that would make a big difference. This video explores that question, and encourages you to do some exploration of your own… As an example of the experimentation I refer to in the video, this was recorded in downtown Missoula, MT. The ambient…
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