What happens when you’re successful?

Tuesday Jul 17th
a message from

It’s a cold summer here in San Francisco – I started my day off wearing

a down vest! This weather puts me in the mood hunker down to focus more
on my business, which leads me to today’s topic: what happens to your
relationships when you’re successful? Read on to find out more, and I
hope you’re warm and happy!


If you’ve been thinking you would like some support, or benefit from an
outside perspective on some aspect of your business, coaching is a fun,
easy, active way to do that.

As coach and client we look at what’s currently going on in your
business, as well as what you’d like to work on and create, and make a
plan to get you moving.

Sign up for a complimentary 30 minute Discovery Session [1]HERE
and take the first step toward your goals and intentions!
1. https://my.timedriver.com/VLN66

==What happens to your relationships when you’re successful?==
You spend time working on your business, defining success and what it
means to feel and be successful, and then one day, it works! You’re
“officially” successful! Yippee ~ now what?

One of the things that may happen is that you notice the affect this
has on those around you – friends, family, people you’re working with.
When you’re successful you show up differently in the world: you’ll
likely have a spring in your step, be in a good mood, be optimistic and
excited. And those around you will notice, for better and worse.





Why would I say worse – they’re you’re supporters, they champion you,
right? Yes, hopefully they do, and yet something primitive can kick in
when people get successful. It probably goes back to our caveman
instinct, something along the lines of, “If she’s successful then
there’s less for me.” You may be perceived as taking all the resources
needed to live. Or going beyond your station in life. Maybe even being
too good for the people that helped get you this far. People can have a
funny way of feeling threatened when one of the crowd near them is
successful; it’s as though your success points out their lack of
success, allowing all their insecurities and unmet desires to surface
and be directed at you.

So what do you do if this happens to you? The good news is many times
is can be as simple as a conversation to let them know you are still
there, still part of the tribe. That you still love, value and respect
them. And if they are put out by your success after a talk, or are
unwilling to talk, you may consider whether or not it makes sense to
continue to have a relationship of any kind with them. After all, life
is short and our dreams are precious – you want to share that with
those who get it. Make sure you’re surrounded by “A” list people to
begin with and that will solve this problem before it ever has a chance
to be a problem! If this sounds familiar, hit reply; I’d love to hear
your experience.

=Save the Date! Friday, 8/3=
Get *stuff* Done Day coming again soon!

The next Get *stuff* Done Day is 2 weeks away and I’d be delighted to
work with you to get some *stuff* done! Bring your ideas and your to do
list and let’s see what you can do.

Here’s the scoop:
Friday, August 3
10 – 2 PT (1 – 5 ET)
Conference line: 760.569.7676 (normal long distance charges will apply)
Participant code: 272204

To learn more, [2]click here.
2. https://kristinecarey.com/upcoming-events/get-stuff-done-day

=On the Calendar=
Friday, July 20 in San Mateo – Meeting with my Brain Trust group to
talk about business, the Universe & everything

Tuesday, July 31 in San Francisco – Teaching @ the Small Business
Administration: Top 10 Characteristics of Successful Business Owners

=What I’m up to=



Training my new little pooch, Finch
Going to Idaho to visit my 95 year old Grandma, as well as one of my
favorite Uncles
Taking little Finch on the plane with me to see Grandma & Uncle –
should be a trip to remember!

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enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including
my contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!

=About Kristine=
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what,
or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for
your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results
you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your
work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out
more at www.kristinecarey.com.

Copyright © 2012 Kristine Carey Coaching All rights reserved.
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