Giving and Receiving

Wednesday, Dec 12th
a message from

As fitting for the season, I have giving and receiving on my mind – more on that below. As well as cocooning. And staying warm and taking care of myself. And thinking forward to 2013 to see what I want to create personally and professionally.

Whatever’s on your mind, I hope it’s merry and bright 🙂



==Giving & Receiving==
This is traditionally a giving and receiving time of year and as such, your giving and receiving muscles can get over taxed. Compassion fatigue. Shoulds. Family and professional obligations. An over abundance of things to do, items to eat and drink, places to be.

What if you choose to give, and receive, strictly from the heart and a neutral place? Give to the best of your ability and call it good. Receive what is offered with graciousness. Ease up on any amount of quid pro quo you may feel or others may wish you to feel. Clear the slate — do you enjoy sending cards? If so, great! If not, they’re off the to do list. Same with parties, gifts and anything else that pops up during the Holiday season.

But how am I supposed to do that, you say? There’s no way I can skip out on Aunt Sally’s meal, the company party, the gift exchange at church…. There is a way – its called saying no thank you, from the heart and a place of neutrality. Take a stand for yourself and your desires from a place of love and spaciousness and do the Holidays up right, just the way you’d like them. Who knows, maybe you’ll even start a new tradition!

==Giving & Receiving: Coaching==

One of the best things about coaching is the spirit of generosity and expansiveness it brings to both the client and the coach. A dialog is opened that allows for new ideas, fresh combinations and possibilities, and an expanded perspective. Desires are clarified, action plans drawn up, and tasks checked off the to do list.

Coaching is part inspiration, part action. It’s a process that can change you and your outlook in subtle, and not so subtle, ways. When you participate in coaching you are saying yes to yourself and what you want your life and work to look and feel like. And YES is a powerful energizer.

Give the gift of coaching to yourself and your friends and colleagues. Receive all the process has to offer. Take a stand for yourself and those around you by creating the life and work you and they can love. Win-Win. Give and Receive.


Refer a friend or colleague to coaching.
If they sign up for 4 sessions or more you and they will receive one free hour of coaching.

Call or email to get started:
415 706 5141
coach [at] kristinecarey [dot] com

Want to learn more about coaching with me? Check out the coaching page on my website here ( , with links to all the questions and answers you’re looking for.

Offer valid between December 12 – 20, 2012
Act quickly, avoid the Christmas last minute rush, and give the gift of coaching.

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==About Kristine==
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what, or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out more at

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