It’s Not Okay To Quit

The year was 2012, and I was having a low day – about me, my business, our future together, how much what we were doing mattered. You could accurately call it an existential crisis. I was slogging through the day when a gem landed in my inbox, saying: No, it’s not OK to quit.

I’m not sure that I was actively looking for a redemptive sign, yet I got one in the form of a blog post by Chris Guillebeau. Fast forward to yesterday when I was talking with a client, a seriously talented man, and I recognized the look on his face, the slump in his shoulders. I was reminded that even rock stars have their existential crisis days; maybe you can relate?

As a reminder, then, if you’re having one of those days, It’s Not OK to Quit. It’s OK to take a break, to fall back and regroup, to have a cry, to eat a pint of ice cream, yet it’s not OK to quit.

You’re pretty cool, and smart, and fun. The world needs what you’ve got, and just because things get hard sometimes – maybe even downright sucky and scary – that’s all the more reason to remember why you started doing your thing. People benefit from what you do; you’re creating money *and* meaning, for yourself and those you serve. So no, it’s not OK to quit. We need you and your business-y goodness. Take a nap, maybe a warm bath, and keep going.

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive,and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have
come alive.
– Howard Thurman

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