A Brief Introduction to the Hero’s Journey

A Brief Introduction to the Heros Journey

When you started your business, you may not have realized you were on a hero’s journey; I know I didn’t.

Thinking of working for yourself this way makes a lot of sense: your business and clients call you forth, challenges and fears threaten to drag you back, and ultimately you triumph over the nay-sayers (even if those nay-sayers are the voices inside your head) to create a business that supports you and those you serve in just the right ways.

You’re not alone on this hero’s journey – all of us who’ve chosen this path understand what it’s like. Whatever phase you’re in now, we were there yesterday, or will be tomorrow. Give yourself permission to sink into what’s happening, mine it for all it’s got, and find companionship and support from those of us traveling alongside you.

There’s and arc and a flow to this, and once you understand the rhythm of it, you’ll be well equipped to face anything the hero’s journey throws at you. Check out the map below.

Hero's Journey Map


As you look at the map and read through the descriptions of each phase, reflect on your own Hero’s Journey.

  • What phase of the journey are you currently in?
  • How can you be present with this phase so you can get the most out of it?
  • What resources / people / mindset shifts do you need to get to the next phase?
  • How can you support yourself in taking the first step?
  • How would you characterize your Hero’s Journey?
  • What newfound wisdom have you gained from all you’ve been through?
  • How can you celebrate how far you’ve come on your journey?


Enjoy this journey and all its twists and turns. And if you want some company along the way, we have a group for that! You can check it out here: https://kristinecarey.com/community.

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