How To Love Your Own Company
Why is it so weird to say to ourselves, “I love you”?
I’ve read plenty of things that say you’re supposed to love yourself, even giving ideas of how to go about it, and yet it’s almost like a badge of honor to say how challenging that is… when you say it’s hard to do, everyone seems to nod. That’s not just happening to me, right?
And what about how to love your own company – is that even something you think about? Have you ever tried telling your business you love it?
What if you decided to go for it and said all the loving, mushy goodness out loud to yourself and your business?
- Do you think you could do it, and let your love show?
- What could that mean in terms of how you live your life, interact with your business, work with your clients, be with your loved ones?
You don’t get points for making things hard, yet in this context it’s easy to act as though you do. It’s like there’s a regulator valve that keeps the love topped off at a certain level beyond which you aren’t allowed to express… it’s just not cool, or maybe it’s hard to wrap your head around what it all means.
This month, try letting go of that mindset.
Take off the regulator, and let the love flow for yourself, for your business, for the people – things – life around you. Imagine how different things could be / will be if you gave yourself this gift.
Let’s take advice about life and business from John Lennon:
There are two basic motivating forces: fear and love. When we are afraid, we pull back from life. When we are in love, we open to all that life has to offer with passion, excitement, and acceptance.
What if you were to notice the love and fear, and call it out?
Notice the love you have for yourself and your business, and trust it.
This love is real, even if you’re unsure of it some days.
- From this viewpoint of love, what’s available?
- Write down things that seem possible, things you hope and dream about.
- Write down all the obvious things that are there that you don’t usually see, because you’re not looking for them, or you’re taking them for granted.
- Write down what makes you curious. What might happen if you let your curiosity partner with love to guide you?
What fear shows up that pulls you back from life and business?
- What do you need to say or do – for yourself and your business – to know that fear is just another conversation, not reality?
- Think back to instances when fear has held you back in the past. If you could do those times over, how would you do them now? Looking at it this way helps rewire your response for future instances.
What can you do to show your passion, excitement, and love for yourself and your business today?
This month, let’s take the weirdness out of “I love me” and learn how to really listen to ourselves and our business, so we can give all the love we need (and deserve!). Learning how to love your own company will make a huge difference in all aspects of your life.
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