Reinventing Your Business Foundation

Reinventing Your Business Foundation

When I first started my business fresh out of coaching school, I hired a coach who was known for helping people grow their businesses.


I’d been coaching on the side for a few years, had just quit my day job, and needed to figure out how being in business for myself worked.


In short, I was freaking out.


One of the first things he said to me made it feel even more overwhelming:


When you learn how to be a good business person, you’ll be rewarded by being able to practice your craft.


That one sentence rocked my world. I was here to be a coach! To help people achieve their goals and dreams! What was all this talk about being a business person? I didn’t have a clue how to go about it.


Fast forward 21+ years and I’ve been living his wisdom every day. The times I pay attention to being a good business person, to the nuts and bolts foundation of my business, the better things go. When I get sidetracked, distracted, or frankly just don’t feel like dealing with it, I pay the price.


What the nuts and bolts foundation items are is up to you. As you read and work through this book, you’ll find ideas to consider and experiment with. Ultimately, though, it’s your business, so have fun setting things up in a way that works for you so you can enjoy the reward of practicing your craft.

Which leads to the question:

What things should you consider when thinking about your business foundation?


Several necessary things I’ve seen over the years are:

  • An idea of what you’d enjoy helping clients with that they’ll pay for
  • A way to get the word out that you’re available for hire
  • A convenient way to receive payments
  • A separate bank account to make tracking your money easy
  • An environment where you can do your work, both by yourself and when you talk with clients (either virtual or in-person)


Taking the time now to build a solid business foundation will set you up for success. Your business will thank you for it.


If you’d like to rebuild your foundation and have some company along the way, check out my Reinvention Community. We do things like this together every single week.

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