Set Yourself Up For Success in 15 Minutes

Tuesday, Dec 18th
a message from

Seems surreal that it’s the end of the year again – time really does seem to fly by. Below is my favorite way to put attention toward the New Year with good focus and minimal effort; try it and let me know how it works for you. Stay warm and dry and have fun with your Holiday activities!



==Set Yourself Up For Success in 15 Minutes==

2013 is almost here and you can help insure it’s what you’d like it to be by taking a few short minutes and following the exercises below. You can take stock of what you’ve liked, what you’d like to keep, what you want more of, and what to let go. You can even create an overarching theme for the year. The calendar provides an easy marker to gauge your progress and attitudes, and your thoughts and theme offer inspiration and guidance as you go through the months. Set your timer for 15 minutes and let’s get to it!

What do you want to leave behind?
Not everything that happens is something you want to repeat … take a minute and think about what you could do without from 2012. Make a bullet point list on whatever is handy (napkin? envelope? spiral notebook from you kid’s class?) and work quickly. Things you may want to leave behind: saying yes too much, settling for less, people who don’t support you, second guessing yourself.

What do you want to bring with you into 2013?
Review the year’s highlights and jot down on a new napkin / envelope / page what you want to make sure you carry forward and have more of. Apple pie? Yummy. Fantastic clients? You bet. Meaningful time with friends and family? Right on! Trips and adventures? Yippee!

Set a theme.
On a final napkin / envelope / page set a theme for 2013. A theme provides a guiding idea which serves as a filter for what you do, an inspirational thought that compels you forward. Some of my favorite themes from the past have included “simple”, “freedom”, “courage”, “put out the effort”. You can get inspiration for your theme by looking over your *leave behind* and *take with* lists, or maybe there’s something that has been on your mind that you’d like to try on?

Post your lists and theme where you can see them regularly – near the computer, on the fridge, or even write them with a dry erase marker on your bathroom mirror. By giving yourself the gift of these intentional and focused 15 minutes you hugely increase the chances that 2013 will be the kind of year you want it to be.

By doing this exercise with less (less time, less thinking) you may actually gain more; it’s amazing what truth your gut reactions can tell. As always I’m interested in hearing from you; email me what 2013 has in store for you!


Refer a friend or colleague to coaching.
If they sign up for 4 sessions or more you and they will receive one free hour of coaching.

Call or email to get started:
415 706 5141
coach [at] kristinecarey [dot] com

Want to learn more about coaching with me? Check out the coaching page on my website here ( , with links to all the questions and answers you’re looking for.

Offer valid between December 12 – 20, 2012
Act quickly, avoid the Christmas last minute rush, and give the gift of coaching.

==What I’m up to==
Closing out 2012
Getting ready to go on a Holiday cruise with my family
Being grateful

==On the Calendar==
Thursday, January 10 in San Francisco: Presenting at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference
Tuesday, January 22 in San Francisco: Teaching a class at the Small Business Administration on the Top 7 Characteristics of Successful Business Owners
Thursday, February 28 in San Francisco: Presenting on Using Your Super Powers to Enhance Your Career at the Queen’s Bench luncheon
Friday, March 1 in San Francisco: Presenting at the Business and Technology Conference, sponsored by the Bay Area Chapter of the National Association of Professional Organizers

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==About Kristine==
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what, or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out more at

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