You, you can stay
Monday, Nov 26th
a message from
Being in Dallas for Thanksgiving has been nice, seeing friends and hanging out with my family. Which lead me to think about who is in my life, and who is in my business / who I do business with. Today’s article is about choosing who you spend time with, professionally; I hope you enjoy it and that you also enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
==What’s possible when you give the gift of coaching?==
Coaching is truly a gift that keeps giving – a gift for you, a gift for your company, a gift for your colleagues or employees. In the spirit of boldness I encourage you: if you’ve been thinking about coaching for yourself or someone you know, now’s the time to boldly go there! Time to let your ideas out, remove those obstacles, clarify what’s important and take action.
Sign up for a complimentary Discovery Session here ( and see what’s possible!
==You, You Can Stay==
I heard a story on This American Life ( about a man waiting on a subway platform, and in the crowd was another man walking up to people, saying, “You, you can stay. You — gotta go.” The story teller found himself secretly wanting to be picked to stay, which was silly since the choosing was completely arbitrary. I love this story and it reminds me of what we do to ourselves, and how we consciously – or unconsciously – choose people in our lives. I’m talking about people from all walks of life: friends, clients, networking partners, acquaintances, even family. You could take a page from the subway platform man and decide: You, you can stay. You, you gotta go.
What would it be like if you were more intentional about your own subway platform of life? I’ve had clients tell me they don’t like working with a certain person, or a certain type of client, but that they have to because . The problem with not being discerning about who you do business with is that you are likely to be *less* successful. You care less about your clients, they are less invested in you and your offerings, and next thing you know you’ve got a business that isn’t doing well financially and isn’t making you happy. Several clients I’ve worked with have built financially successful businesses and they aren’t satisfied either. Much of your feelings of success and satisfaction come down to who you’re doing business with and how consciously you choose them.
Today, evaluate who is in your business life. Make sure they pass the “Stay / Go” test. Be willing to let go of those who aren’t the best fit for you — you’ll be making more room for those who stay and all the other good ones to come.
==On the Calendar==
Thursday, January 10 in San Francisco: Presenting at the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference
SAVE THE DATE! Saturday, January 12 in the Bay Area: Small Business 2013 Kick-Off Event, more details TBA
==What I’m up to==
Heading back to San Francisco to give my body a food break!
Loving the Fall weather
Seeing the new James Bond movie
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==About Kristine==
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what, or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out more at
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