What do you want for the last two months of 2012?

Monday, Nov 5th
a message from

Time is flying as November begins and I feel as though I’m just about ready to begin on some of the projects I planned earlier this year. There is literally not enough time to do everything I had planned on, which means it’s time to make some decisions about what I can realistically put my attention on for the remaining two months; more on that below. For today, I’ll work on an incomplete item that’s been hanging over my head for several months, as well as set up the foundation for something I’ll work on more next year. Wherever you choose to put your attention I wish you great success!

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==What do you want for the last two months of 2012?==
As hard as it is to believe, 2012 is coming to a close in a mere 8 weeks. If you’re like me, it still seems like March! Nevertheless, it begs the question: What do you want for the last two months of 2012?

Now is the perfect time to look at what you wanted to do, create, revise, dream up and otherwise put your attention toward in 2012. Get out the plans you made at the beginning of the year and take stock on what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve put off. Ask yourself these questions:

>> Are the items on this list still relevant to me?

>> Given what time is left in 2012, what do I want to take on from this list?

>> How can I arrange the time remaining so that I can accomplish this item?

>> For the remaining items, set them aside to review at year’s end and decide if you’d like to carry them forward into 2013 or if their time has passed and let them go.

Remember to do a reality check of what you’ve picked to make sure you will be successful in moving your item(s) forward and/or accomplishing it by the end of 2012. Time flys, especially during the Holidays; now is the time to take a realistic look at how to set yourself up for success. Good luck getting your thing(s) done – I know you can rock it! Hit reply and share what you’ll take on, k?

==On the Calendar==
Thursday, November 15 in Oakland: Speaking about using your Super Powers in your career to the Bay Area Chapter of the Society of Government Meeting Professionals

==What I’m up to==
Enjoying spending time with colleagues
Learning how to use my new laptop
Watching Sherlock Holmes via the new BBC series of the same name,
as well as the CBS series Elementary

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==About Kristine==
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what, or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out more at www.kristinecarey.com.

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