Are You an Introvert, and What Does That Have to Do with Your Marketing?

Entrepreneur, are you an introvert - man holding coffee

I was talking with a client recently about putting herself out there more, marketing-wise, and she mentioned how that made her uncomfortable and mentioned that she’s shy and introverted. That got me thinking about how often these traits are often perceived to be the same thing – shy introvert, outgoing extrovert – when in fact they’re not. You can be shy, yet outgoing, or vice versa. I know an extrovert who has a hard time initiating a conversation, and I’m an introvert who talks to strangers. How you approach marketing can be influence by this, so it makes sense to take a closer look at how you operate.


Introvert vs. Extrovert

The distinction between introverts and extroverts is how they recharge their energy. Introverts recharge their batteries by being alone or in less stimulating environments; the less input they have the better able they are to re-energize. Extroverts gather their energy by being with others; the more people around, the more fueled up they get. Percentage-wise, extroverts are 50% – 75% of the population, introverts 25% – 50%. In the U.S. we tend to idealize extroverts, which means there are introverts who are faking it. Check-in with yourself, sincerely rather than how you think you’re “supposed to” be, and ask how you most easily refuel, then give yourself permission to build that into your marketing plan.

Socially Shy vs. Socially Outgoing

Introversion is often taken as the same thing as being shy; it’s not. Being shy or outgoing is an independent trait from being an introvert or extrovert. Often people assume because someone can introduce themselves to strangers or is chatty, they’re an extrovert. The distinction is about how socially outgoing you are: the ability to be in public, meet people easily, strike up conversations with strangers – that can belong to both introvert and extroverts. Being socially outgoing is its own trait. I know a couple, one of whom is a socially outgoing introvert and the other a socially shy extrovert. At a party, the introvert will introduce the extrovert to people, then slip away to find a quiet conversation for herself.


What does this have to do with marketing?

If you are socially shy or introverted you are stereotypically less likely to engage in activities such as large networking events, attending conferences, or other events that involve large amounts of input or people. This means you need to find other ways to meet new clients and get the word out about you and your business, such as referral partners, writing, or ironically public speaking (introverts and socially shy people often make excellent public speakers).

It also means you can release any “should” conversations about how you’re “supposed” to promote your business by being out in the world, shaking hands and kissing babies, and instead find a way that works for you and your personality style. Extroverts / socially outgoing people are better suited for big networking events or places with a lot of people and input, so leave those venues to those who are energized by them.


Being true to your style is a client magnet; you’ll easily attract the clients most suited to you and how you operate. Make it easy on yourself and design your marketing in a way that’s most natural to you and you’ll be amazed by the results you can achieve.

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