Baby Steps & Daily Habits

Tuesday, Oct 2nd
a message from

Yesterday it was 91 degrees in my office (normally it’s around 68). The few hot days of the year are here and its got me thinking about what to do when the heat is on you to make a change – you want or need to change something, yet making that change is challenging. Read below for more thoughts on habits, baby steps and making changes, and in the meanwhile, stay cool!



=Ready to Create Change?=

If you’ve been toying around with the idea of making a few changes in your business or personal life, now is the perfect time! Coaching is tailor made to support you in choosing what changes to make and putting those changes into action.

To sweeten the deal, I’m offering a special discount of 20% per month – that’s $100 off the normal rate – for then length of your coaching relationship.

Fine Print: My normal rate is $495 per month. The 20% discounted rate is $395 per month.
That’s a big deal – $100 off per month forever! – if you sign up now.

What can coaching do for you?
>> Give you clarity on what you want
>> Create a plan for how to get what you want, setting goals, intentions and milestones
>> Support you in dealing with the obstacles that naturally arise when making any type of change
>> Offer accountability and structure to keep you on track
>> Partner with someone (me!) who has experience and training to work with you to design the life and business you want
Ready to go for it? Great! Hit reply and we’ll get you all set up.

Intrigued and want to talk more about working together? Perfect!
Sign up for a 45 minute Discovery Session here ( .

I look forward to talking with you soon and getting you started on making the changes you desire!

=Habit Change & Baby Steps=

There you are, at the precipice of making a change. What makes change stick? How can you set yourself up for change in a way that makes it easier for you? Here are a few suggestions to get you going on the path to changes that last:

Decide and Believe
Sounds fundamental, yet stop and check that you have decided, for reals, to make the change. Then, believe you can. Acting from this place of deciding and believing allows the change to come more easily, as you have an internal foundation to work from.

Take baby steps
It’s common to want to make grand, bold steps. Yet when it comes to making lasting changes, it turns out the smaller the step the better. Make one small adjustment, the add another small adjustment; as you do this you build a big change over time. Rome wasn’t’t built in a day: a trite expression which is nevertheless very true.

Only change one thing at a time
Too much change at once can overload your system causing you to give up before any real change has happened or taken hold.
In terms of making change last, it’s best to pick one thing to change, and once that thing is changed it can act as a catalyst for changing one more thing, and so on. Often there is one step you can take that feels easier to start with which gets you moving. Once you’re in motion it’s easier to stay in motion – that’s one of Issac Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion – science can be fun and helpful!

The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Learn about habit change
Charles Duhigg, in his book The Power of Habit (, explains the mechanics of how habits are formed and how to develop new ones. Its an easy read and he gives many examples of people and companies and the challenges they faced, and how they overcame them by taking small, simple steps to change their habits. Don’t confuse simple with easy – it can be challenging to change a habit; that’s where deciding and believing can help carry you over the hurdles.

Good luck on making your desired changes, and hit reply and let me know what you changed and how it went!

=On the Calendar=
Mondays in Brisbane: Toastmasters
Thursday, October 4 in Saragoga: Doing a StrengthsFinder evaluation for the leadership team at West Valley Community College
Tuesday, October 23 in SF: Teaching at the Small Business Administration, Business Success on Your Own Terms

=What I’m up to=
Enjoying being warm and soaking up the sun in my fair city
Watching the Blue Angels fly during Fleet Week
Seeing Nick Lowe play in a small intimate setting – very excited about that!

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=About Kristine=
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what, or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out more at

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