Finish Well vs. Finish Strong

What if you play with the pace of your work and life?
Here’s why – because in order to finish the year well, you need to know what your pace is and adjust your expectations accordingly.
Operating on autopilot often goes like this:
I have a lot to do, so I need to move faster to get it all in.
And yet you’re the boss of you, and you can set it up this way instead:
I’ve chosen to work at this speed, and whatever I accomplish is what I’ll accomplish.
Remember to be kind to yourself, move at the right pace for you, and allow your expectations to realign; my hunch is this will make finishing well a breeze.
At this time of year, you hear a lot about finishing strong.
Even though this type of pushing forward energy may not feel like a match for you, it’s easy to get caught up in it.
What if you take a softer approach this year, and decided to finish well instead?
Finishing well has a different vibe: less stress and forcing, more allowing and happy coincidences. Less “I have to get this done,” and more “does this make sense?”
You get to decide how to use your energy. Give yourself the gift of saying no to finishing strong, so you can finish well instead.
I leave you with this question: If you were to finish well this year, what would that look and feel like?
If you enjoyed this, you might also like Reinventing Finishing Well, a challenge to approach the end of the year completely opposite how you normally do.