Reinventing How We Take Care of Clients
What occurs to you when you think about how to take care of clients?
Naturally, you think about delivering fantastic work. You’ll also think of giving great customer service, and being responsive to their questions and needs.
Do you additionally think about affirming them, validating their choices on what direction to go? What about partnering with them to define what success looks like, and how to best get there? And how about choosing a communication style that matches their preferences, so they feel seen and heard?
The surprising truth about taking good care of your clients is that it just may be easier than you think. A few tiny adjustments can take your client care to new heights, leaving both of you feeling gratified and taken care of.
Early in my work life, I worked at The Gap. I’d help customers pick out jeans, find the perfect shirt, ask if they needed a belt or hat to go with that. They’d pick out socks, and I’d point out how nicely they complimented the rest of the outfit. My help and comments were sincere; The Gap made it easy to create an outfit that matched just right, allowing me to provide good service, and the customer to leave happy.
Imagine using the same techniques with your clients. You help them pick out the right “outfit,” and work with them to get to complete their ensemble. You’ll be their guide, confidant, partner, and expert – both of you feeling good about it all the while.
Taking care of your clients is all about knowing how to be truly present to what they want and need, listening deeply, and fulfilling their request above and beyond as best you can.
The better care you take of them, the better care they take of you; with this philosophy, you’ll have a lifetime of satisfied clients, and know that your work is making a difference.
By the way, did I mention how much I’m loving those socks on you today?
What does taking good care of your clients mean to you?
Take a few moments to make a list of what good client care looks like to you.
When you define good client care, it’s so much easier to know if you’re hitting the mark, and what adjustments you need to make to upgrade their experience.
How does your current client care compare to your ideal? What’s one thing you can do this week to upgrade things a notch or two?