Some Things To Do – and Not Do – Right Now

Things to consider doing – and not doing – in this alternate universe of Covid-19.



  • Set aside at least one day each week dedicated to rest & renewal
  • Follow your energy
  • Be gentle with yourself and practice self-compassion
  • Tune into your own inner guidance
  • Innovate, experiment and explore (if you’re so moved)
  • Adjust your expectations
  • Focus on what really matters
  • Stay connected to the people and things you love in whatever ways you can
  • Expand if you’ve got the energy for it
  • Listen to your heart and intuition
  • Be intentional
  • Realize you’re likely feeling your feels, as well as the feels of the collective
  • Practice being kind to yourself and others
  • Name what’s going on and be empowered as a result
  • Include what’s happening into your current reality
  • Trust the timing’s right for those things you’re motivated to do
  • Keep it simple
  • Ask if what you’re about to do, say, or offer will help more, or fewer, people
  • Lean into your Super Powers and use them wisely
  • Ask what it would be like to be more inspired and positive to yourself
  • Acknowledge what is
  • Drop the word should from your vocabulary
  • Recognize how profoundly your being affects others
  • Look for ways to reinvent yourself and your work to be more aligned with your values
  • Ask yourself how you can take care of yourself right now by putting your oxygen mask on first
  • Dance, sing, be still, run, jump, sleep, veg, read, watch tv, laugh, cry, make music, write, walk, play, enjoy, vent, stare off into space, and eat chocolate when needed
  • Realize this is a temporary situation



  • Force yourself
  • Violate your values
  • Rely on the way things have been
  • Blindly follow the herd
  • Expect a lot of focus or productivity, esp. in long stretches
  • Assume you have to contract or play small if that’s not where your energy is
  • Assume you have to get a lot of things done, either
  • Push against what is
  • Pretend what’s happening isn’t a big deal
  • Act as if it’s business as usual

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