Time to Get Going, like NOW

Tuesday, Aug 7th
a message from


I’ve spent the afternoon outlining a new idea for a website – I’ll keep
you posted when it’s all up and going! – and to get some inspiration I
visited the ittybiz.com site. More on what I found below; needless to
say, now is the time to get moving on whatever is important to you.
Get your ideas together and take a leap of faith if that’s what it
takes. The StrengthsFinder assessment can help you leap with more
confidence and more of a plan, so if you’re at all interested I
encourage you to [1]contact me and let’s talk, k?
1. https://kristinecarey.com/contact-kristine-carey

Now’s the time….



=The Time is Now=

As I mentioned, I today I visited the [2]ittybiz website looking for
inspiration for a new website idea of mine and boy, did I get a big
time reminder of how important it is to take action on what matters to
you – more sooner than later. If you’ve been procrastinating on
anything in your business (I’ve had this new website idea for at least
6 months) or in your life (phone call I need/want to make to my Aunt)
now’s the time.
Life goes by quickly and can be intense, so grab on and let’s go!
2. http://ittybiz.com

Below is an expert of the blog post I read as well as a link to the
entire post. After you’ve read the whole thing hit reply and let me
know what you’re grabbing a hold of, what leap of faith you’re gunna
take, what small change you’re willing to make that you’ve been holding
back on.
If you see yourself in any part of this please take action, like NOW,
and do yourself a favor. You’ll be glad you did.


From ittybiz.com:
I got an email Friday from a regular customer of ours…She was writing
to let us know that her mother had just passed away. A few weeks ago,
they’d been able to spend some quiet time together, and she wanted me
to know something her mother had said.

“It’s time to have some fun now, Ginny. Do what YOU want. You’re dead
for a long time.” …

Ginny has been skirting around building her ittybiz for several years.
She’s been in the getting-her-feet-wet stage for a while, which is

“I could never really commit, you know?”…

Read the entire post [3]here.
3. http://ittybiz.com/for-ginny-and-her-mother

=Playing to your Strengths ~ SPECIAL OFFER=
Last week I mentioned briefly an offer to do coaching using the
StrengthsFinder assessment. Given that I’m encouraging you to take
time out for what’s important (see above), it seems fair to remind you
of this offer and to extend the deadline.

Playing to your strengths is a powerful way to remember who you are
what you are capable of,
and this assessment gives you that as well as actionable items to help
along the way.

If you are interested in learning more about discovering and working
with your strengths consider signing up for 2 coaching sessions where
you’ll take the StrengthsFinder assessment, we’ll go over the results,
and you’ll get real world ideas of how to play to your strengths
in your business and in your life.
Its a very empowering experience that can lead to immediate results, I

This special 2 session StrengthsFinder package is
priced at $395, *which is $100 off the normal price*
and includes the book, 2 one hour sessions,
and email support as needed.
To take advantage of this offer hit reply to this email
or call / email me to arrange a time to get started:
coach@kristinecarey.com; 415.706.5141.

Note: this offer ends this Friday, August 10 @ 4pm PT, so if you’re
interested or think this might be for you, please act now ~
I look forward to supporting you in discovering and using your


=On the Calendar=
Quiet time this week to work on new business ideas


=What I’m up to=
Catching up on my Super Hero movies
Walking along the waterfront and enjoying the sunny days this week
Feeling grateful for those who showed up for Get *stuff* Done Day and
all we accomplished


=Share this newsletter=
You may absolutely share this newsletter with people you think may
enjoy it. When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including
my contact and copyright information. Thanks and enjoy!


=About Kristine=
Maybe you feel like something’s out of place, but you’re not sure what,
or what to do about it? Kristine is kind of like a chiropractor for
your business – if you’re not feeling the love or producing the results
you’d like to, it’s time for an adjustment. When you’re ready for your
work life and business to rock again, hit reply on this email! Find out
more at www.kristinecarey.com.

Copyright © 2012 Kristine Carey Coaching All rights reserved.
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