I Think I’ll Include That (+Video)
What if, rather than pushing against what you don’t like, or don’t want, or don’t know what to do with, you instead choose to include it?
By including something, you’re not endorsing it. You’re simply acknowledging what is, and allowing it to just be.
I don’t want to do marketing.
I think I’ll include that thought in my reality.
I don’t feel like working.
I’m going to include that idea in my day, and see where it leads me.
I’m scared because of the pandemic.
I’m including a pandemic into my reality – no way I could’ve seen it coming, so I’ll do my best given what’s happening.
I’m worried my business won’t make it through this crisis.
I’m including worry into my current world view, am giving it space to be, and have decided not to let it run the show.
I’m feeling scattered and unfocused.
I think I’ll include scattered and unfocused in the list of things that are happening right now, then decide what to do, even if that means I’ve decided to do nothing.
I don’t know what’s going to happen next.
I’m including uncertainty in my day; things have been murky before, and nonetheless I figured things out.
I don’t feel like I can keep it together – everything feels hard right now.
I’ve done hard things before, and I’ll get through this, too.
Be kind to yourself. Be with what’s happening by including it into your day, your consciousness, your reality, regardless of whether or not you like it. Release pushing against it, and sink into allowing it to be. When you’re present with the truth, you’re at choice, and so much more is possible from that place: more space, more clarity, more ease.
Include. Breath. Be. Take the next step.
Take a look at this video for more thoughts on including, and the breathing room it brings.
It takes a lot less energy mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically to live with your theory
That’s the plan, Beverlee!