What Challenges are You Facing?

facing challenges

Challenges have a way of sneaking up on you, if you know what I mean.


As you glide through the month, notice what shows up in your life and work, and how often things feel challenging: this is what I’ve been doing and it’s been eye-opening.

I’m surprised by how often something occurs to me as a challenge when it’s not, or I take something for granted and it turns out to be more challenging than I expected… especially when I get busy with work.


How are you with challenges lately?

What challenges are you facing? 

  • Something you’ve never done before…
  • An idea you’re not sure if you have the time/bandwidth/resources to handle…
  • A project that feels too big or hard…

Challenges come and go, there’s no getting around it – what matters most is how you face them.


Overcoming a big challenge can be scary. You might wondering, “How did I get here, and how am I going to get out of it?”


Now is a good time to remember to breathe.


Challenges are a natural part of being alive, especially when you’re in business for yourself. The good news is that you’ve overcome them before, just like you will now.


But this time feels different, you say. It’s bigger/badder/bolder and generally more ass-kicking.


I hear you, that’s how challenges are sometimes – they roll right up to your door and into your house without even knocking. And yet, you’ve got this… because this is you we’re talking about – you’re not afraid of no stinking challenge! OK, well, maybe a little afraid, but that doesn’t mean you’re backing down.


Remember other challenges you’ve faced and how everything worked out OK in the end? Remember, behind the clouds is a blue sky.


Today, no matter what challenges you’re facing, know it’s going to be great in the end.


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