Facing Challenges Keeps You Feeling Alive!

facing challenges successfully

You know that thing that happens when you get a great idea, and then not too long afterwards it starts feeling challenging to pursue?

Of course you do. You’re the kind of person who does things in the world, which means that you’ve experienced this at least once.


This is the good news: having ideas, and facing challenges that go along with realizing them, means you’re putting yourself and your work out into the world. It also might mean that things will feel challenging or hard, you’ll freak yourself out by what you’ve asked of yourself, and you’ll wonder if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.


Please tell me it’s not just me who goes through this…right?


In coaching school, they taught me that if I’m not putting myself into a position where I’m facing challenges, I may not truly be living. I’ve thought about that a lot since then, and what it means to face a challenge. I’m not saying things need to be difficult all the time; but I am saying that if you don’t challenge yourself to go for what you want, and face the challenges that come with bringing that thing into existence, then you are likely robbing yourself of feeling alive, or run the risk of feeling stale.


Once you look these challenges in the eye and see them for what they are, which is just a stop on a larger journey, you’ve turned the corner.


Facing challenges really does build character, no matter how cliché the sentiment sounds. It gives you the courage and confidence to continue moving forward. Even if you love your life and work as they are, chances are there’s something more you’d like to explore or create. And as soon as you start taking action to investigate this thing, a challenge will likely arise. That’s the time to remember it’s part of the journey, and keep on keeping on.


As you continue to investigate new things, remember to embrace challenges as a validation that you’re up to something big, and acknowledge them for the teachers they are – and enjoy the feeling of being alive!



Liked this article? Here are three more!

When Things Fall Apart

It’s Not Okay to Quit

Happiness = Challenge, In a Good Way


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