A Case for Reinvention

And now for something completely different…
(Anyone else hearing echoes of Monty Python in their head right now? )
During this series, we’re going to look at the idea of reinvention. What it means, why you might want to do it, how to get started, and more.
Because – it’s an important topic that comes up a lot, yet doesn’t always get the airtime it deserves. And because of this, I’ve also devised a way for us to keep the conversation going after this series is over.
You have the power
…to do what you love, to change and reinvent yourself and your business, and live more in alignment with who you are, and what you value.
How often do you exercise this power? Does the idea excite you, or scare you, or …?
What if you were to rethink how you work and live, and stretch outside your boundaries just a bit. What might you discover?
Consider today a beginning…
A double-dog dare to open your mind, and find the reinvention that’s waiting for you.
Grab your favorite notebook and jot down what comes up when you consider a reinvention. Keep it light. Stare off into space and ponder. Notice what you’re thinking and feeling, what gets provoked.
This is the perfect place to begin our conversation.
I encourage you to join me in this series, jotting notes and pondering as we go.
Consider what reinvention means to you
…and how you might approach it.
In our next installment, we’ll dive in by looking at why you might want to reinvent yourself. Between now and then, shake things loose and let the reinvention wheels begin to turn.
This is Part 1 of my Reinvention Series. Read the full series here:
Part 1: A Case for Reinvention
Part 2: Why Reinvent Yourself
Part 3: What Does Reinvention Mean to You
Part 4: Where Do You Start a Reinvention?
Part 5: What Can You Do to Keep Your Reinvention on Track?
Part 6: You Don’t Need to Do This Alone
An Invitation
Join me in the Reinvention Journey Community, where conversations just like this happen on a monthly basis.
Jump in with other re-inventors like yourself, and become part of a unique community.
You’ll learn things. You’ll get to know groovy cats. You’ll get stuff done. It’s gunna be great!